Either way the driver is negligent and culpable and i fail to see how flxh can blithely comment that "accident happen" when this is as serious a matter. Hence the "terse" reply.
This affects us all and dismissing it with a shrug and a "meh" is an attitude I find abhorrent.
What im driving at is this idea that we should blame blame blame..
People have lapses in concentration all the time, for loads of reasons.. be they driving, cycling (I can think of numerous accidents i have witnessed/been involved in), firing on ranges, working with machinery etc.
We are only human and occasionally... sadly - people lose lives because of mistakes. This is inevitable. However i would agree that more could be done to stop lives being lost in such a way.
What im driving at is this idea that we should blame blame blame..
People have lapses in concentration all the time, for loads of reasons.. be they driving, cycling (I can think of numerous accidents i have witnessed/been involved in), firing on ranges, working with machinery etc.
We are only human and occasionally... sadly - people lose lives because of mistakes. This is inevitable. However i would agree that more could be done to stop lives being lost in such a way.