talking about taking your freedom away. if you want to be chipped like a animal then by all mean. .
We are all animals, we have animal instincts which we can not control. We need an out side force to help control us. The government can help us by chipping us and telling us when we have done wrong.
not that we have the technology to start doing something stupid as that....
We have DNA technology and we we have gps and the galileo project is coming along. With the correct legislation and use of technology we could easily track everyone and make life practically impossible for anyone who tries to live "outside the system". Or would you have the pedos running the streets free to molest the children as they are now? Is that what you want, because that is what you are saying?
We are all animals, we have animal instincts which we can not control. We need an out side force to help control us. The government can help us by chipping us and telling us when we have done wrong.