• #22052
w h a t d a f u c k ! ! !
out of my size and money-range, but 1000% porn. a fes carbon track frame!!!
http://cgi.ebay.de/FES-Carbon-Sprintrahmen-Bahnrahmen-Singlespeed-Pista_W0QQitemZ160397040330QQcmdZViewItemQQptZSport_Radsport_Fahrradteile?hash=item2558689aca -
• #22053
nice frame ... FES is right around the corner where I live
• #22054
ich bin gebürtiger leipziger ;)
• #22055
bin quasi halber leipziger ^^
• #22057
'59 Hetchins Track.
**_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , you're the high bidder and currently in the lead. **
Another user may still outbid you, so continue to check this item in
• #22058
I've got some stuff for sale on Gumtree. Various bits and pieces.
Just give me an email or text if you're intrested.
I'm not on the forum much but ride most Tuesdays up at the carpark and i'm sure Farid will vouch for me. Just so those of you that don't know me don't think i'm a coyboy.
Ric Bell.
Brookes Saddle
http://www.gumtree.com/london/68/52667368.htmlCharge Whisk Forks
http://www.gumtree.com/london/79/52667979.htmlCinelli quill stem
http://www.gumtree.com/london/41/52776541.htmlPower Strap Fittings / Hardware
http://www.gumtree.com/london/95/52776895.htmlSpecialzed S-Works seatpost
http://www.gumtree.com/london/09/52776709.htmlLow-profile bicycle grips
http://www.gumtree.com/london/17/52777117.htmlSpoke nipples
We don't normally allow people to post their own stuff in here... either they're selling stuff via the forum or they're just advertising, which is basically spam.
However, you are voucehd for, and I'll vouch for you too because of who you know. So this post is more to others... it's OK, let it pass this time.
But to anyone else reading and think the rules now don't apply... rubbish, I just can be fickle at times ;)
• #22059
hetchins track
There's a new highest bid on the following item, but there's still a chance to make the item yours.
• #22060
make it yours!
• #22061
the boss is getting soft ;)
• #22062
hey greys what size is the seatpost, and when you say the 'fitting' broke what do you mean by that?
• #22063
**_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , you're the high bidder and currently in the lead. **
Another user may still outbid you, so continue to check this item in
don't bid when you still have 6 days left! bid in the last minutes, much cheaper.
• #22064
make it yours!
don't bid when you still have 6 days left! bid in the last minutes, much cheaper.
i hear you boss. i only ever bid early in the knowledge that never in a million years will i buy a hetchins track frame in an ebay auction for 200 pounds. there are too many people looking for them. it does however keeps the prices buoyant and can (i hope) encourage in some little way other sleeping/rusting hetchins to be dragged out of garden sheds.
• #22065
quite nice, quite cheap for those of you who sit tall in the saddle!
• #22066
don't bid when you still have 6 days left! bid in the last minutes, much cheaper.
Or just bid as much as you are willing to pay for the item, regardless of how long is left - and then if you lose, it's because someone was willing to pay more than you.
• #22069
^ Lish!
• #22070
• #22071
re-e-e-post when the crowd say bo selecta
I apologize
• #22072
Do the honorable thing...
• #22073
• #22074
I wander what this will eventually go for:
Early 70s CINELLI COLNAGO pantographed stem & handlebar
• #22075
'59 Hetchins Track.
I don't get it. Why are there cable guides and braze-on's everywhere if its a track frame?
it was sold,