for anyone interested, i emailed CTC using the form on
I recently hit a pot hole on woburn place, just north of Russell Square in London. I couldn't avoid it as it was dark and so was unable to see it. This dented my front rim and caused both wheels to go out of true. Is there a way I can claim from TfL (i think it's a red route) or the local authority? Will be taking pictures ASAP.
Roughly speaking you'd have to show in court that:
1) The pothole caused the damage.
2) The pothole was serious enough to be a hazard to road users.
3) The highway authority was aware of the hazard, or should have found it
on a routine inspection.
4) The highway authority hadn't fixed the hazard in a reasonable time
after knowing about its existence.
The fourth one will be a common defence for highway authorities at the
moment, as they struggle to repair the roads after the cold snap.
for anyone interested, i emailed CTC using the form on
so i'm probably just going to leave it.