There hasn't been many replies as your dining table is quite cluttered; there needs to be a little more attention to detail. If you are going to use flora in the shot lets make it some nice Daff's or, so as not to detract, Narcissi!
Good luck.
I don't like margarine!....And the Narcissus stinks...literally and its too early for daffs....perhaps a backdrop of a red flag....but the clutter is a post modern metaphor show Francis Fukiyama's thesis....'the end of history' bollocks...and that history is a tad muddled.....course another reason that i have had no response is one wants them.....thats Capitalism for you!...but thanks for your bump!
I don't like margarine!....And the Narcissus stinks...literally and its too early for daffs....perhaps a backdrop of a red flag....but the clutter is a post modern metaphor show Francis Fukiyama's thesis....'the end of history' bollocks...and that history is a tad muddled.....course another reason that i have had no response is one wants them.....thats Capitalism for you!...but thanks for your bump!
OK a further price reduction....£11 posted