I usually have a period in the New Year where I move back from slow cook to quick cook food. Certainly there are more ingredients that are raw but it doesn't mean nothing cooked, just cooked differently and certainly a lot less meat. It feels and tastes fresher and this will have a big impact on how you feel.
Crash dieting (which isn't just a massive drop in consumption but any radical change in eating habits) is rarely a good idea unless you are genuinely suffering medically from your current diet. Feeling a bit fat and lazy isn't a medical condition. Often you deprive the body of a source of energy and nutrients that it is used to and it has to work a lot harder to derive them from it's reserves. Cue feelings of discomfort and unhappiness. This is the main cause of failed dieting attempts. You're compounding this by trying to shed reserves at a time that the body is actively trying to retain them for both insulation and preservation. It isn't going to take it lightly.
Unless you have the sort of iron will that gets you on the front cover of a Rage Against the Machine album and you do want to work towards a raw food diet, don't dive into it straight away, ease yourself into it in stages. Otherwise you'll end up reaching for the food equivalent of nicotine patches and nobody looks smart with a cake strapped to their shoulder do they.
I usually have a period in the New Year where I move back from slow cook to quick cook food. Certainly there are more ingredients that are raw but it doesn't mean nothing cooked, just cooked differently and certainly a lot less meat. It feels and tastes fresher and this will have a big impact on how you feel.
Crash dieting (which isn't just a massive drop in consumption but any radical change in eating habits) is rarely a good idea unless you are genuinely suffering medically from your current diet. Feeling a bit fat and lazy isn't a medical condition. Often you deprive the body of a source of energy and nutrients that it is used to and it has to work a lot harder to derive them from it's reserves. Cue feelings of discomfort and unhappiness. This is the main cause of failed dieting attempts. You're compounding this by trying to shed reserves at a time that the body is actively trying to retain them for both insulation and preservation. It isn't going to take it lightly.
Unless you have the sort of iron will that gets you on the front cover of a Rage Against the Machine album and you do want to work towards a raw food diet, don't dive into it straight away, ease yourself into it in stages. Otherwise you'll end up reaching for the food equivalent of nicotine patches and nobody looks smart with a cake strapped to their shoulder do they.