• I always think before i speak.
    Point being that you were implying it should be split as nobody has £500 'lying around' but then saying you'll buy it for £450 when you have the money....then saying you'll buy it for £500 when you have the money.
    Bendix already said there's no immediate rush and can wait until people get paid.
    That means anybody else could also be in the position you'll be in and be able to buy it for £500 too.
    Splitting is not only a shame, but also a hassle, as you have to deal with several people dicking around trying to get money knocked off individual parts and making excuses for not collecting things when they said they would instead of one.

    Think before you talk for others.

    A hassle well worth it if your going to get another £150 out of it. Plus ive never had problems with people collecting things. Always on time or early :)
