I've had the same roller for around 5 years. It's battered & bruised, dented, the rear end crushed and coldset, has been repainted once, had a drill taken to it on two different occasions. Travelled all over for polo, I've hit the thing with mallets, crashed it into walls & people, off drops and into a river, ridden it up and over plenty of dales, had fiddy try to maim it on the way to Brighton. Day in, day out and in all weather. The components have been changed more times than I can remember. The forks were replaced for Carbon, then for handsome dogs and are now something different once again. Run it with GI's from 41-87. Braked, brakeless, rear brake only. On and off road. It's been my only bike, my pretty bike, the beater, the workhorse, now it's just old faithful. The seatpost has been seized in place for over a year. It has seen a snapped crank, trashed wheels, disintegrating headsets. All manner of handle bar setups. It's been past its intended use and I'm amazed it's still going.
I'd include a photograph but that would cheapen this. Any picture would be just a phase in the existence of my bike. It would never capture the true beauty of her.
The best thing about Monika, Ms Roller to you, is that the fucking thing still puts a smile on my face every time I ride it.
If you have ever been in doubt as to whether you should buy a steamroller. Stop. Buy the frameset and build it with whatever. You'll end up with a great bike.
Sorry for the cross post but if this doesn't make your mind up nothing will.
Sorry for the cross post but if this doesn't make your mind up nothing will.