OK, managed to get it working by using the UK site, putting all my details in block caps and filling out the full name of my county in the [required] field marked "State".
Bike's apparently not stolen... though worryingly "Item type: bicycle" is "not known to checkMEND", despite it being one of the suggested options in their own drop-down menu.
Won't be using again, unless they improve the payment options and make it obvious that they have actually searched for what was asked for.
OK, managed to get it working by using the UK site, putting all my details in block caps and filling out the full name of my county in the [required] field marked "State".
Bike's apparently not stolen... though worryingly "Item type: bicycle" is "not known to checkMEND", despite it being one of the suggested options in their own drop-down menu.
Won't be using again, unless they improve the payment options and make it obvious that they have actually searched for what was asked for.