I built some 27's recently but it took me a bit of searching to find some good condition used 27's, I managed to pick up a good condition wolber super champion from PlasticPedals here on the forum and managed to get a NOS mavic from ebay, both £10 a piece. Just need a bit of patience but they will come along, trying to get a matching set though is a tough ask.
New 27's are available in the UK but they are crap for the most part. single walled and made for cheapo town bikes, best getting good cond second hand. If you fancy paying the postage Sun still make good spec 27's in the US, have a google m13 or something I think is the model.
Failing all that, there is a chap called Graham, based in Archway who is a bit of a legend, wicked workshop full of old bits, worth an ask. . .
I built some 27's recently but it took me a bit of searching to find some good condition used 27's, I managed to pick up a good condition wolber super champion from PlasticPedals here on the forum and managed to get a NOS mavic from ebay, both £10 a piece. Just need a bit of patience but they will come along, trying to get a matching set though is a tough ask.
New 27's are available in the UK but they are crap for the most part. single walled and made for cheapo town bikes, best getting good cond second hand. If you fancy paying the postage Sun still make good spec 27's in the US, have a google m13 or something I think is the model.
Failing all that, there is a chap called Graham, based in Archway who is a bit of a legend, wicked workshop full of old bits, worth an ask. . .