Was parking the car in a tight space, I'm not the worlds best parallel parker as it is. I very gently bumped the car behind me, a woman across the road starts scowling at me. I finish parking all the while holding her gaze and thinking 'fuck off you twat'. I open my door to get out...
The whole fucking thing rips off as a black cab hits it. The cab smashes in to a traffic island.
Was parking the car in a tight space, I'm not the worlds best parallel parker as it is. I very gently bumped the car behind me, a woman across the road starts scowling at me. I finish parking all the while holding her gaze and thinking 'fuck off you twat'. I open my door to get out...
The whole fucking thing rips off as a black cab hits it. The cab smashes in to a traffic island.
Still the woman scowls at me.
Car is fucked.
Cab is fucked.
Dov is twat.