Gmaps pedometer reckons it was 17 miles to one of the houses I liked. Ow.
I did it on my road bike which I had not ridden for quite a while. It's a late 80s/early 90s tight, light, 753 handmade full-on road racing frame so it should feel whippy and smart but boy did it feel flabby and unresponsive compared with my fix gear bikes.
Gmaps pedometer reckons it was 17 miles to one of the houses I liked. Ow.
I did it on my road bike which I had not ridden for quite a while. It's a late 80s/early 90s tight, light, 753 handmade full-on road racing frame so it should feel whippy and smart but boy did it feel flabby and unresponsive compared with my fix gear bikes.