S - goals must be **Specific **(specify what it is you want to do, ie: do a 12 second flying 200)
M - training targets should be Measurable (how will you measure it, stopwatch?)
A - goals should be Achievable (if you can already do a 13 second 200 then this should seem achievable)I have also seen this as Adjustable, so I suppose it could also be something that could be ongoing measurement of improvement
R - goals must be Realistic (don't say you want to be Olympic champion if you are a middle aged B cat racer!)
T - training targets should be **Time based **(so you should aim to hit your target by a certain date or within an alloted time frame, like "by the end of the month/session/season")
E - goals should be challenging and **Exciting **(not sure this is wholly relevant to adult athletes, but boring training is never good training if you can get the same results by doing something more exciting)
What is a "SMARTER" goal?
Well it's something that should be: