• #528
• #529
• #530
• #531
• #532
The Techno Viking (Google it if you don't know him)
• #533
As preferred by Oliver Schick
• #534
The Techno Viking (Google it if you don't know him)
So, so good. Funny how you don't realise it but it's about 2-3am in that video. I love Iceland.
• #536
• #537
"download the free mp3"
• #538
er and max, the techno viking was filmed in berlin.
• #539
oh my goodness!
i'm almost in tears here. that's brilliant
• #540
er and max, the techno viking was filmed in berlin.
Ha! My Icelandic ex girlfriend told me it was filmed there!
• #541
He was probably 'a mate of a mate'.
• #542
Ha! My Icelandic ex girlfriend told me it was filmed there!
according to the internets it was filmed at fuckparade 2000.
• #543
the internet never lies.
• #544
He is german, and it was in Berlin... I remember back when the video came out, doing some research about him. If memory doesn´t fail me he has a gym, and became a bit of a celeb after that fuckparade.
• #545
AMAZING (repost?)
not sure how to embed..
grrr... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCh6D417p3U
http://www.londonfgss.com/%3Cobject%20width=%22560%22%20height=%22340%22%3E%3Cparam%20name=%22movie%22%20value=%22http://www.youtube.com/v/hCh6D417p3U&hl=en_US&fs=1&%22%3E%3C/param%3E%3Cparam%20name=%22allowFullScreen%22%20value=%22true%22%3E%3C/param%3E%3Cparam%20name=%22allowscriptaccess%22%20value=%22always%22%3E%3C/param%3E%3Cembed%20src=%22http://www.youtube.com/v/hCh6D417p3U&hl=en_US&fs=1&%22%20type=%22application/x-shockwave-flash%22%20allowscriptaccess=%22always%22%20allowfullscreen=%22true%22%20width=%22560%22%20height=%22340%22%3E%3C/embed%3E%3C/object%3E -
• #546
Just paste the link. The forum will embed automatically.
• #547
That is excellent but the shadow on the side of the guy's mouth was a pain.
• #548
1 Attachment
• #549
Apols if repost...
• #550
I like Luke's hair in ESB. Parents eh?
cheesus! Only in America...you've gotta love em!