I had a 3rd Gen iPod for AGES, it was the most hardcore and reliable piece of technology I have ever owned. I think it lasted for about 3 years before I literally melted the hard drive through irresponsable use and bad battery modding.
It doesn't really seem like a long time, but considering how disposable most modern gadgets are after an update, I thought it was pretty good. Oh, and I managed to knock someone out with it, after throwing it at their head. I've put it in a frame now...
I had a 3rd Gen iPod for AGES, it was the most hardcore and reliable piece of technology I have ever owned. I think it lasted for about 3 years before I literally melted the hard drive through irresponsable use and bad battery modding.
It doesn't really seem like a long time, but considering how disposable most modern gadgets are after an update, I thought it was pretty good. Oh, and I managed to knock someone out with it, after throwing it at their head. I've put it in a frame now...