So to summarise, you got the frame at a bargain price here, got help from people here to identify it, and would now like to sell it back to people here at an inflated price. Did I miss something? Just asking like.
Bad form...
Oh please... If you don't want it, don't worry yourself about it. I am offering a frame which I have spent a lot of time tracing for what I think it is worth. If people don't think it's worth that, they will not buy it or offer what they think it's worth. I will give 5% of the sale to the forum. I really don't see there's a problem with that.
Oh please... If you don't want it, don't worry yourself about it. I am offering a frame which I have spent a lot of time tracing for what I think it is worth. If people don't think it's worth that, they will not buy it or offer what they think it's worth. I will give 5% of the sale to the forum. I really don't see there's a problem with that.