Anyone out there have ways of doing this without paying the £2.50 and associated penwork for the DVLA?
The bellend that knocked me off has ignored his Insurance company's requests for information, they want to deal Without Prejudice, and I'm not really down for that.
Want to speak to the fool and get him to man up like he said he would. Just want to confirm his address...
Anyone out there have ways of doing this without paying the £2.50 and associated penwork for the DVLA?
The bellend that knocked me off has ignored his Insurance company's requests for information, they want to deal Without Prejudice, and I'm not really down for that.
Want to speak to the fool and get him to man up like he said he would. Just want to confirm his address...
BT53 TZV - Silver Mazda 6 - Miroslaw Rakowski.....
Thanks in Advance..