• #2
I know a few Korean people who could help you, but I bet they won't.
• #3
Love the stitching on those doubles, they look great... Sorry, can't help on the lingo...
• #4
http://www.mashkorea.com/ might be useful
• #6
shitthebed, I didn't know it could do that!
Technology = marvelous.Cheers mate.
Which means I have worked out they're £50 before shipping. Uhm...
Anyone know of any other 'baby pink' double straps? Pref UK side?
• #7
according to my teach yourself korean phrase book i have by my bed side ......
i can only find " large pink strap on " .. no " pink pedal straps "
• #8
according to my teach yourself korean phrase book i have by my bed side ......
i can only find " large pink strap on " .. no " pink pedal straps "
Ah, already have one of those.
• #9
Wicksie, that´s the same that could have shown you the actual language. just c&p any word and click - Identify Language. ; )
• #10
Did you get them? How much with shipping from teh Korea?!
• #11
Wicksie, that´s the same that could have shown you the actual language. just c&p any word and click - Identify Language. ; )
Translation required ^^
Did you get them? How much with shipping from teh Korea?!
No mate, they're nice but not that nice.
Looking for cheaper ones. -
• #12
fck, my head hurts. Google translate is the same tool you could have used before posting Chinese instead of Korean. Capice?
Next time c&p any word from the website, stick it in GT, press Identify Language, and save yourself from calling Chinese to Korean.
; )(sorry about my English, I´m just an imigrant)
• #13
Irony not translating either.
No worries, thanks for the tips.
Language recognition failure due to insomnia and late night bike shopping. It could happen to anyone.Now, pink pedals straps anyone?
• #14
No irony there. I wouldn´t bother ; )
• #15
email direct
• #16
Damnit they don't deliver to the UK. Would have been over £80 anyways.
Has anyone seen any baby pink leather double top straps anywhere that aren't too extortionate?
• #17
Turns out they do deliver but they're 'last season' so don't have any.
After a couple of week search, it seems that 'baby' pink double toe straps do not exist.
I even commissioned someone to make them, the price went up as they would be hand-stitched, but turns out they would be more 'reddish pink'.
Nothing worse than mis-matched colours imo.Has anyone seen any anywhere?
Next step, buy white, dye pink. -
• #18
procede to next step
I must have these:
Now, how on earth do I order and see if they'll deliver UKside?