you should have a look at that Rose Red Empire book - apparently it's very good.
Not my taste--I've variously skim-read/yawned my way through about two-thirds of it and find it virtually unreadable--self-indulgent and uninformative. He seems to be chronically unable to stick with the same topic for more than two miliseconds, and I hate the style in which it's written. But lots of people liked it, so what do I know. I can only warn people against it.
Not my taste--I've variously skim-read/yawned my way through about two-thirds of it and find it virtually unreadable--self-indulgent and uninformative. He seems to be chronically unable to stick with the same topic for more than two miliseconds, and I hate the style in which it's written. But lots of people liked it, so what do I know. I can only warn people against it.