Hi Hugo, No offence taken - I 'd noticed the layout leaves a bit to be desired :D, still have some active interest relating to this post so if nothing happens I'll have a go at re doing the ad, I d thoughtof doing that but figured it would be pulled by moderators.
Meantime I have located the edit button and removed some of the gobblydegook, can't find a way of rotating pics on here and photo bucket is really slow on this connection which is why I left the links tothe pics.
Hi Hugo, No offence taken - I 'd noticed the layout leaves a bit to be desired :D, still have some active interest relating to this post so if nothing happens I'll have a go at re doing the ad, I d thoughtof doing that but figured it would be pulled by moderators.
Meantime I have located the edit button and removed some of the gobblydegook, can't find a way of rotating pics on here and photo bucket is really slow on this connection which is why I left the links tothe pics.