• #27
I used to work in a factory with an Indonesian dude called Mani. He used to refer to Sunday as "root day".
• #28
Nope. Great idea. A day when people rest, and can't shop, and meditate? How on earth can millenia of human activity just be 'wrong' cos IKEA and Tesco want to sell more stuff to us? How is it that a rest day has just disappeared in the last 20 years due to 'pressure' from retailers?
Shame on us.
We observed the Sabbath growing up. I think it was very therapeutic for my mom. Not so much for us kids though who were always running around trying to keep quiet. It is the quiet I remember the most, no TV, no driving, no radios, no music.
• #29
"They don't want the hipsters in their neighborhood,"
Oh the irony.
• #30
@andyp, Yes.
Hang on.
I'm not saying having a rest day is a good idea* because* its associated with occult mumbo jumbo. I'm not. I'm saying its good for us to have just one day a week when we don't have to work, shop, all that stuff. The reasons we have sabbaths are humanistic. They perform a valuable social function. I'd say the religious aspect is an afterthought. A bit like fasting. Abstaining from killing sheep during lent is a way of ensuring a good lambing season (less stressed ewes means less deaths during lambing). We just found a story about Jesus abstaining to justify what is an ancient animistic practice that stems from animal husbandry. Similarly, many faiths won;t eat pork. It's not because Jehovah Allah God told them not to! It's becasue pigs have a high number of diseases in the meat due to a high core temperature, so eating pork is alot more risky (especially where there's no refridgeration) than eating say fish, fowl or sheep.
• #31
I wish they'd come over here and tarmac over the cobbled rumble strips the workmen have been installing on the main bike path across Hyde Park...
I noticed that yesterday. First time on that path for ages. Doesn't slow you down in any way, just means you have less control in the few metres after whizzing over it.
• #32
• #33
We observed the Sabbath growing up. I think it was very therapeutic for my mom.
throws the horns
• #34
Black Sabbath Iron Man(Live in Paris 1970)[/ame] -
• #35
Can't we all just get along? Group hugs all round.
• #36
A Department of Transportation spokesman said: "We will continue to work with any community on ways we can make changes to our streets without compromising safety."
is the safety of the cycling 'community' not worth bothering with then?
put the cycle lanes back you fucktards. -
• #37
Get the hipsters to walk their bikes along the pavement all day on the Sabbath wearing "revealing clothing" until the bike lanes are put back- then they can zoom past, massively reducing the amount of oggling time in which the faithful are exposed to naughty thoughts.
Job done.
• #39
Actually it's quite funny if you think about it- the inference that must be drawn is that the DOT think that the cyclists are there because of the bike lanes, hence removing the bike lanes would reduce the number of cyclists.
I cannot remember thinking to myself "cracking bike lanes in (wherever), I'll go and cycle around there today".
Has anyone else honestly made a decision about where to ride based on whether there are some bike lanes to use?
• #40
You're right Dammit. Demented logic.
• #41
"religious hazard"
• #42
I love this post, they're painting bike lanes, ANTI SEMITES!!!
• #43
Yeah damn good point Dammit.
• #44
I noticed that yesterday. First time on that path for ages. Doesn't slow you down in any way, just means you have less control in the few metres after whizzing over it.
I've been using them for bunny-hop practice.
• #45
"religious hazard"
• #46
surely the idea of the Hasidic rules on ogling is to learn to control one's behavior, isn't removing any sign of temptation kind of cheating?
• #47
@andyp, Yes.
Hang on.
I'm not saying having a rest day is a good idea* because* its associated with occult mumbo jumbo. I'm not. I'm saying its good for us to have just one day a week when we don't have to work, shop, all that stuff. The reasons we have sabbaths are humanistic. They perform a valuable social function. I'd say the religious aspect is an afterthought. A bit like fasting. Abstaining from killing sheep during lent is a way of ensuring a good lambing season (less stressed ewes means less deaths during lambing). We just found a story about Jesus abstaining to justify what is an ancient animistic practice that stems from animal husbandry. Similarly, many faiths won;t eat pork. It's not because Jehovah Allah God told them not to! It's becasue pigs have a high number of diseases in the meat due to a high core temperature, so eating pork is alot more risky (especially where there's no refridgeration) than eating say fish, fowl or sheep.
I agree with the benefits of having a day of rest, but having it enforced by religious zealousness is unnecessary. Taking time to relax, not do chores, not watch TV, etc etc should be a personal choice, and if anyone decides that the actually want to do work or eat pork or stop fasting they should not have to suffer the displeasure, resentment or criticism of their community. That is what is bogus about a large number of religious activities... they are based on sensible reasons but that is not a reason to have those activities forced upon people who belong to the religion. But meh, that is a whole other can of worms...
• #48
I've just moved out of Stamford hill and the Hasids there ride their bikes like mad men, often on the pavement. My mum asked me if the twirls of hair were attached to their heads or hats.......
• #49
'Stamford Cowboy' is an expression that always makes me smile :)
• #50
you should see them chase and catch a non jewish mugger! fuck can they run and fight when they want to
retailer pressure/church pressure - its all the same thing