• #27
I think my current fear of them will make me less safe if that makes sense.
Perfect sense. Irrational fear tends to lead to irrational action. Not that your fears are unsubstantiated, but in simple terms not based on a rational assessment of the risks.
• #28
well done jemjah.
• #29
Well done for getting back out there. I had a pretty bad accident myself involving multilple facial fractures but seems like nothing compared to yours. Glad you're doing your best to get re-acquainted with the traffic etc.
I've only been back on for two weeks now after being off for 5 weeks or so, enabled mainly because all my injuries were to my face and nowhere else.
Getting your confidence back will take some time, but it is amazing how quickly you slot back into the groove. I had an arsehole driver threaten to knock me off last week over him being impatient and to be honest it shook me up a bit more than ususal. The little incidences will take their toll on you more than they used to for a while. I managed to stay cool and composed during the incedent and didn't rise to his stupid aggressiveness which I was actually most proud of.
Many non-cyclists also think we're crazy for getting back out there after such horrific injuries. I guess it's the case of once bitten forever smitten. But, if you were in a car crash people wouldn't think twice about you driving again.
My riding style is forever changed and my awareness on the road is forever heightened, I try to remember to focus and to make sure there are no **surprises. **I also have a great sense of relief/elation when when I arrive back home after being out that I made it back again.
Keep safe out there. Sorry for the long post.
• #30
Wandered across this and wanted to say good on you!
• #31
That is great.
Well done. -
• #32
nice one
• #33
Well done Jems, really pleased for you!
• #34
Awesome news Jemjah. Hope the court case works out.
• #35
Great news. Keep pedalling!
• #36
Congratulations Jemma, hope that your confidence comes back quickly.
• #37
this is very good. it was a good day to start riding again.
• #38
Well done Jemjah. Really great news.
• #39
Good spirit Jemjah. Enjoy yourself :)
• #40
well done jamjah!
It's not easy, took me years to get over the blind irrational fear of cars after the time i got run over, not whilst i was on a bike though and it certainly wasn't as severe or as traumatic as yours although, the injury i sustained, was pretty disgusting the way it happened.
After that, when a car past me close, or beeped it's horn, or a car skidded nearby, i completely panicked. I could be walking even and i would panic. That all body experience of the limbic system kicking in full throttle flight or fight mode.
It's really challenging at first to keep that fear reeled in, slowly does it tho, and you'll be fine. gradually the fear dissipates.
But i still panic to this day, 20 years later, when for example a loud unexpected noise happens on the road, like a roadworks jackhammer starting up next me on a ride.One really positive side effect is that fear keeps you safe, because you'll forever be on high alert on the road from now on. Well, from my experience this is how it panned out.
All the best for the future,
• #41
Good work Jem.
• #42
Well done jemjah. The first ride back is always the hardest.
• #43
Jemjah, you are a hero, I extend my most heartfelt congratulations to for your courage and fortitude.
• #44
top work!
that took a big dollop of courage to get back on it
• #45
Was nice to read this.
You sound like a very brave person. I hope you are duly rewarded, by regaining the joy cycling can bring.
• #46
Nice one jemjah!
• #47
wow, i am overwhelmed by all your support. thank you all so much.
I like this thread. Well done, jemjah. With that attitude you'll be back to enjoying them roads in no time! :)