old school 1st generation white front / aluminium back, M8541 model firewire powered 5GB ipod. Black and white screen, proper clicky-wheel etc. Still seems like there's lots of life in the battery. A few scratches on the back but it has spent most of it's life in a griffin clear plastic case (also included).
They seem to pop up now and again on ebay for occasionally silly money but no idea what to ask - £50?
old school 1st generation white front / aluminium back, M8541 model firewire powered 5GB ipod. Black and white screen, proper clicky-wheel etc. Still seems like there's lots of life in the battery. A few scratches on the back but it has spent most of it's life in a griffin clear plastic case (also included).
They seem to pop up now and again on ebay for occasionally silly money but no idea what to ask - £50?