I have just read your article in the London Evening Standard, dated 7th December 2009, regarding the danger that cyclists pose to pedestrians on the streets of London and the need to enforce road laws more stringently with them.
I have noted that you were quoted as reporting "We're always getting little old ladies who are knocked down and abused by a cyclist [sic], who leave them on the ground as they ride away."
I have a number of questions regarding this statement that I hope you may be able to answer for me;
Firstly, how frequently do these sort of incidents actually happen, you state ‘always’, if your quote was indeed verbatim, can you put any kind of numerical figure on this information.
Secondly, I am very interested to know the source of the data that has informed your statement, namely the data the specifically refers to ‘little old ladies’ and cycle accidents in London. Is it possible to see this data? It sounds like a fascinating data set.
Thank you very much in advance and I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes
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Sexist - what about little old men? Ageist - What about children?