• #2
Its got Windows XP
-Operating System: Windows Vista® Home Premium
• #3
• #4
PS2 Mouse and PS2 keyboard, was it in the box for a year or so?
• #5
It´s in the title - **Brand New* Desktop Computer*
• #6
sorry the brand is HI-Grade, its got vista but i can put on windows 7, its about a month old
• #7
yer your right diable, its not a PS2 105-key keyboard and PS2 Mouse, its a Hi-Grade KU-0512 keyboard and MSU0718T mouse
I Know this forum is for bikes but i thought it might be a good place to sell a computer.
I was bought a computer last month but am in need of a laptop instead. The computer has been taken out of the box once so a computer technician could install Microsoft Office, but other than that it hasn't been used. It would make a perfect christmas present as it is brand new. Its got Windows XP but can put on Windows 7 if wanted. Am also willling to swap for a Mac Computer
Im looking for £399 as it is brand new and cost over £600 new
-Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0GHz, 1333MHz, 4Mb L2 cache CPU
-Operating System: Windows Vista® Home Premium
-Hard Disk Drive: 250Gb Hard Disk Drive
-Memory: 3 GB ( 1 x 1024 and 1 x 2048) DDR2 RAM
-Graphics card: nVidia Geforce 256MB Graphics Card
-Sound: Realtek Audio
-Monitor: 17'' Hi-Grade Colour TFT LCD monitor
-Software: MS Office 2007 Professional Educational OEM (Word 2007, Excel 2007, PoerPoint 2007, Publisher 2007, Access 2007, Outlook 2007 with Buissness Contact Manager)
-Maintenance: 1 year Collect & Return Warranty (Started last month)
-Network Card: 1 GHz Ethternal
-Other Features: PS2 105-key keyboard and PS2 Mouse, 4 x USB Ports, Front Access Panel For Microphone, Audio Output & 2 x USB2 Ports
thanks sam