I'm turning over the idea of organising a vintage-only alleycat race for the springtime, here in Minneapolis. Thus far, this is what I've come up with:
1977 cut-off date. Nothing made after that.
All frames must be steel (Easily checked with a magnet)
Geared bicyles welcome, but limited to internally geared hubs, or derailleurs and 10 speeds. Not 12, not 14. 10 speeds.
No index shifting, friction only.
SS/fixed bikes must have cottered or one-piece cranks.
Points awarded/time slashed for mechanical oddities. Anyone with a Positron derailleur gets a minute off their overall time, anyone using the Integer freewheeling crankset gets a minute off. Like that.
No dual-pivot sidepull brakes. They bug me.
I'm having trouble coming up with ideas for checkpoint tasks. I don't want to make them annoying, but they should be challenging. Any and all ideas welcomed, though if it's fookin stoopid, it will of course be mocked.
I'm turning over the idea of organising a vintage-only alleycat race for the springtime, here in Minneapolis. Thus far, this is what I've come up with:
I'm having trouble coming up with ideas for checkpoint tasks. I don't want to make them annoying, but they should be challenging. Any and all ideas welcomed, though if it's fookin stoopid, it will of course be mocked.