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  • ** FOR SALE Fuji Track 56cm **

    I put this up previously for a trade (see below), but I have have decided to sell it.

    It's a stock Fuji Track from 2007, except for the stumpy BBB stem and Ahead convertor that the previous owner added. Very good condition and yours for...

    £225 ONO SOLD

    P.S. I can fit a front brake if you need for no extra cost.


    I bought a Fuji Track 56cm last week, but have decided it's too small for me and was wondering if there's anyone out there who owns a 58cm that they feel is too big. Would you like to swap?

    I am preferably after a 2007 or earlier model with a 1inch threaded fork.

    If there are no keen swappers I will probably sell

    1 Attachment

    • FUJI-TRACK.jpg

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