So if it takes 80 people to power my house, I will need to buy at least 240 people because I probably cannot expect them to power my house 24/7 without dying.
I will have to house them somewhere. It will take more people to power their dormitory. I will need overseers and they will want superior accommodation.
We are probably talking in terms of 500+ cyclist-slaves to keep me in electricity and I suppose they will all want feeding.
Economically, I am not sure that this is the solution to my electricity bills but the idea of having 500+ people devoted to providing me with comfort has some attraction.
So if it takes 80 people to power my house, I will need to buy at least 240 people because I probably cannot expect them to power my house 24/7 without dying.
I will have to house them somewhere. It will take more people to power their dormitory. I will need overseers and they will want superior accommodation.
We are probably talking in terms of 500+ cyclist-slaves to keep me in electricity and I suppose they will all want feeding.
Economically, I am not sure that this is the solution to my electricity bills but the idea of having 500+ people devoted to providing me with comfort has some attraction.