i can see why you'd want to defend your suggestion for this person to come here, but I in no way threatened them.
I don't see the relevance of him not selling anything- I stated- clearly- that if he is repeatedly going to sell, that I'd suggest a donation.
And I like the fact you agree with me.
now go back to your wikipediaing of basic psychology and I'll see you at the Vegan Christmas party, where I can buy you a drink.
I do agree with your basic point, but come on, read back:
I think you might want to donate to the forum if your going to be repeatedly selling.
And I've said that alot nicer and calculatedly than it could/ would've been said.
Same goes for matey above:
People who come on here just for commercial purposes, and don't contribute, are usually show the door pretty quick.
I wouldn't WANT to contribute to a place that makes me feel like a twattish belm as soon as I try to post something, even if it is only a sales thread. Know what I mean?
Won't be making the 222 xmas thing (too many other xmas parties at the same time) but I'll be at one in the new year for sure - need as much help as I can get, my cooking skillz0rs are fucking abysmal right now. In return for recipes I'll buy a lot of things, including porn, fyi. :D
Come down off your high horse you pompous prick!
Don't make me cunt you right in the bastard, you appallingly vile clunge.
THAT'S how you swear, mate.
I've no problem with people coming on here just to sell stuff. But I think it's a common courtesy to bung the server fund a donation if you do so as you're getting access to a captive, knowledgeable and quite wealthy potential market for free.
And again I couldn't agree more but it doesn't require 'do this and I could've been much nastier' and 'people like you are shown the door quickly' - just a gentle prod is enough.
I do agree with your basic point, but come on, read back:
Same goes for matey above:
I wouldn't WANT to contribute to a place that makes me feel like a twattish belm as soon as I try to post something, even if it is only a sales thread. Know what I mean?
Won't be making the 222 xmas thing (too many other xmas parties at the same time) but I'll be at one in the new year for sure - need as much help as I can get, my cooking skillz0rs are fucking abysmal right now. In return for recipes I'll buy a lot of things, including porn, fyi. :D
Don't make me cunt you right in the bastard, you appallingly vile clunge.
THAT'S how you swear, mate.
And again I couldn't agree more but it doesn't require 'do this and I could've been much nastier' and 'people like you are shown the door quickly' - just a gentle prod is enough.