I was questioning the principle - is it compatible with a vegan diet. Should a vegan want to eat it, could they?
My understanding was that a vegan doesn't eat / use / otherwise consume anything of or from an animal.
The question arose from a discussion of Cliveo's lymph fluid.
Insofar as nothing dying - what of eggs and milk?
For the first point, that would likely be down to the personal choice of the individual. As Bacteria is not a conscious life form some would argue that it was valid to consume. Others would not.
Eggs are potential life, milk is the food substance for a young animal. This most definitely falls under the remit of negatively affecting a conscious life. As would consumption of Honey for that matter. All three also involve some form of farming which is certainly amoral from a vegan's viewpoint.
Placenta, that's a weird one best left to the individual to decide. I have a close friend (Not vegan) who ate the placenta when his child was born. I respect his thought process in coming to this decision. Whether it is a decision I would make for myself is a moot point as I will not be bringing another life into this world.
There are emery boards and tissues to deal with those nails & boogers.
For the first point, that would likely be down to the personal choice of the individual. As Bacteria is not a conscious life form some would argue that it was valid to consume. Others would not.
Eggs are potential life, milk is the food substance for a young animal. This most definitely falls under the remit of negatively affecting a conscious life. As would consumption of Honey for that matter. All three also involve some form of farming which is certainly amoral from a vegan's viewpoint.
Placenta, that's a weird one best left to the individual to decide. I have a close friend (Not vegan) who ate the placenta when his child was born. I respect his thought process in coming to this decision. Whether it is a decision I would make for myself is a moot point as I will not be bringing another life into this world.
There are emery boards and tissues to deal with those nails & boogers.