I hate the bastards who squeeze past you in a tightish single lane, effectively giving you 30 cm tolerance, whilst doing 20+ mph. You then have to brave any pothole which comes your way literally as if your life depended on it.
You should always be riding at least a metre from the curb, at times when the road is potholey & bumpy (such as bus stops) then much more so. Basically to the right of all the road disturbances. Follow this basic rule and you should never have to move your path right suddenly. If any surface hazards come up you can swerve LEFT.
If there is a suggested parking lane on the left of the road but there are no cars in it, still do not enter it. Treat the edge of the traffic lane as the curb because when a parked car does come up youll have to swerve into the road.
If you stand your ground on the road like this cars pay much more attention to you and actually adjust their paths instead of speeding past you very close, which they are much more likely to do if you are curb-hugging.
You should always be riding at least a metre from the curb, at times when the road is potholey & bumpy (such as bus stops) then much more so. Basically to the right of all the road disturbances. Follow this basic rule and you should never have to move your path right suddenly. If any surface hazards come up you can swerve LEFT.
If there is a suggested parking lane on the left of the road but there are no cars in it, still do not enter it. Treat the edge of the traffic lane as the curb because when a parked car does come up youll have to swerve into the road.
If you stand your ground on the road like this cars pay much more attention to you and actually adjust their paths instead of speeding past you very close, which they are much more likely to do if you are curb-hugging.