I've bought a few new bits so got some old bits to sell. If they don't sell on here, it's off to eBay...
Miche Supertype 27.2 seatpost in silver. Good condition £35
Thomson 100mm stem in silver. Mint condition £35
Nitto flat bars in silver. Uncut & good condition £15
Cinelli Pepper risers. Brand new & still in packaging but too short £30
Pair of fixed/free wheels. Off a Charge Plug with Formula hubs & Alex rims. Nothing special but true with little wear & run smooth £60
I've bought a few new bits so got some old bits to sell. If they don't sell on here, it's off to eBay...
Miche Supertype 27.2 seatpost in silver. Good condition £35
Thomson 100mm stem in silver. Mint condition £35
Nitto flat bars in silver. Uncut & good condition £15
Cinelli Pepper risers. Brand new & still in packaging but too short £30
Pair of fixed/free wheels. Off a Charge Plug with Formula hubs & Alex rims. Nothing special but true with little wear & run smooth £60
If anyone's interested, drop me an e-mail at yourmumsonmybmx@yahoo.co.uk
It's locals only as no postage offered but can arrange to meet in city centre or north Birmingham.