• Snoops, Adrienne, and I are booked!

    Todd, if you are using HSBC, you may need to call to book (I did, and they said it was because they're having problems with HSBC)..


    LONDON ST-PANCRAS - 04/02/10 06:02 PARIS NORD - 04/02/10 09:54
    PARIS EST - 04/02/10 11:24 KARLSRUHE HBF - 04/02/10 14:25


    KARLSRUHE HBF - 08/02/10 13:31 PARIS EST - 08/02/10 16:34
    PARIS NORD - 08/02/10 18:13 LONDON ST-PANCRAS - 08/02/10 19:34


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