Looking for a drop handlebar, winter bike that I can commute on. Gears, fixed, single speed, whatever. Probably prefer the latter. Cosmetic condition not that important, but it must be in good mechanical nick and take mudguards, preferably come with them. Size 56-58cm. Budget definitely no more than £300.
Anyone have something?
Should add I'm looking for something with a low profile, and don't mean a smaller front wheel :o)
Looking for a drop handlebar, winter bike that I can commute on. Gears, fixed, single speed, whatever. Probably prefer the latter. Cosmetic condition not that important, but it must be in good mechanical nick and take mudguards, preferably come with them. Size 56-58cm. Budget definitely no more than £300.
Anyone have something?
Should add I'm looking for something with a low profile, and don't mean a smaller front wheel :o)