For the 50 quid, she could argue that she was still dazed, I presume, and made a bad call. Not so unrealistic if you just got knocked down.
Pretty much spot on there. Being kocked unconcious is enough to warrant a diagnosis of shock and as such she is easily not in a suitable condition to either assess her own well-being, the state of her bicycle or enter into negotiations of restitution.
I'd reccomend seeking legal advice now and also filing a full report with the police. Were things to go any further with this, any claim on behalf of the motorist that the matter has been settled could be dismissed on these grounds, furthermore it could well be argued that the motorist was negligent in his responsibilities, took advantage of the rider and abused the opportunity too his own benefit.
Pretty much spot on there. Being kocked unconcious is enough to warrant a diagnosis of shock and as such she is easily not in a suitable condition to either assess her own well-being, the state of her bicycle or enter into negotiations of restitution.
I'd reccomend seeking legal advice now and also filing a full report with the police. Were things to go any further with this, any claim on behalf of the motorist that the matter has been settled could be dismissed on these grounds, furthermore it could well be argued that the motorist was negligent in his responsibilities, took advantage of the rider and abused the opportunity too his own benefit.