£200 is a great price for a fully build road bike, as for the frame colour, I think it look great, but the photo probably does not do it justice, however it is your bike after all, who are we to tell you what to do with it?
bigfella, do you find the set-up more comfortable now?
Keep the original paint. It looks luuurvly.
or do what you want - It's your bike.
Looks really nice. How exactly are you going to improve on that paint? It's wonderful!
Red has universal appeal, and therefore is about as boring a colour as you could choose. It's the colour of cars (and bikes) in insurance adverting.
(you did ask)
I'll wait till I've seen it in the flesh then but I'm still of the mind that airbrush paint jobs only belong at American truck conventions. And the colours are a bit gay IMO
I'll wait till I've seen it in the flesh then but I'm still of the mind that airbrush paint jobs only belong at American truck conventions. And the colours are a bit gay IMO