It's a car park. With 6 or 7 levels. If BMX'ers rock up to an empty car park (whether they started the polo thing or not) and decide to start doing tricks on the one floor that a couple of people are trying to play polo on, I don't see why anyone should be considered an asshole for asking them to go do it on one of the other levels.
I have been to a few of these nights - it is definitely not a secret, and it is a great way to get people started. I can see why Charco chose not to shout about it - to give us folk who haven't a clue to get up to scratch before polo players come down for a few games and are so good that there is no point in even trying to play because the level is too high for people who have literally played once or twice.
Brendan, I'm sure we will all happily give you a game once I learn how to hit the ball. (oh and I'm using your first name cos i have met you....asm's gf here...)
In the meantime, I can assure you, you *don't *want to play polo with me.
It's a car park. With 6 or 7 levels. If BMX'ers rock up to an empty car park (whether they started the polo thing or not) and decide to start doing tricks on the one floor that a couple of people are trying to play polo on, I don't see why anyone should be considered an asshole for asking them to go do it on one of the other levels.
I have been to a few of these nights - it is definitely not a secret, and it is a great way to get people started. I can see why Charco chose not to shout about it - to give us folk who haven't a clue to get up to scratch before polo players come down for a few games and are so good that there is no point in even trying to play because the level is too high for people who have literally played once or twice.
Brendan, I'm sure we will all happily give you a game once I learn how to hit the ball. (oh and I'm using your first name cos i have met you....asm's gf here...)
In the meantime, I can assure you, you *don't *want to play polo with me.