Courier currently earn fuck-all right now, they earn something like £2 per package (I think), I recall it being a bit more than that a couple years ago, so for those who want to earn a decent wages, they really do need to shift as much package per hours to get the minimum (need someone to clarify courier's wages).
As for motorised vehicles jumping red light, that's frankly a different kettle of fish despite being a vehicle, the likeihood of getting killed by a motorised vehicles jumping by a red light increased dramatically.
So that makes it ok to break the law then, so if I am in my two tonne car and jump a red light (I check to see if it safe to do so first then accelerate as the road is clear and no peds or curriers around) I am ok in saying in my defence I was only wanting to save on petrol as its expensive and I am a bit skint at the moment?
So that makes it ok to break the law then, so if I am in my two tonne car and jump a red light (I check to see if it safe to do so first then accelerate as the road is clear and no peds or curriers around) I am ok in saying in my defence I was only wanting to save on petrol as its expensive and I am a bit skint at the moment?