Yeah but the 'price' is meant to be a £30 fine, not a court summons and possible massive fine. I think it will be difficult for him to prove that you were conducting 'dangerous wreckless or careless cycling', though. It's very rare that cyclists are done for shit like this and its usually cause someone has been hurt/killed. Wouldn't worry too much, but perhaps seek legal advice.
Couriers run red lights cause they're gnarly and have skills commuters can only dream of. Haters be jealous.
Yeah but the 'price' is meant to be a £30 fine, not a court summons and possible massive fine. I think it will be difficult for him to prove that you were conducting 'dangerous wreckless or careless cycling', though. It's very rare that cyclists are done for shit like this and its usually cause someone has been hurt/killed. Wouldn't worry too much, but perhaps seek legal advice.
Couriers run red lights cause they're gnarly and have skills commuters can only dream of. Haters be jealous.