well, it is carbon and incredibly light then maybe its alloy steerer but with threads? i have not seen any carbon forks with alloy threaded steerers? maybe the numpty who filed the crown area threaded them? post a picture and that will indicate between alloy and carbon! but coke can is a very good solution!
and regards the centre pop! get a sharp pointed object, also an hammer, and hit the sharp object so it splages the material (column) there this will make the outside diameter slighly larger and help grip the race
well, it is carbon and incredibly light then maybe its alloy steerer but with threads? i have not seen any carbon forks with alloy threaded steerers? maybe the numpty who filed the crown area threaded them? post a picture and that will indicate between alloy and carbon! but coke can is a very good solution!
and regards the centre pop! get a sharp pointed object, also an hammer, and hit the sharp object so it splages the material (column) there this will make the outside diameter slighly larger and help grip the race
this is a centre punch http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31YVGQE0RHL._SL500_AA280_.jpg