I just got my call returned from Islington. They have set the lights back so the lights will now stay on till 10pm. Also the burnt bulbs are on back order. They are working on it but there aren't any in the country apparently.
Mitchison will now be cleaned regularly too!
Islington are really supportive.
I asked if it'd be possible to get a night (or seven) where the court is exclusively ours.
-Mitchison would be a challenge. Would be helpful if we did kid's night,but "most kids don't have bikes" in the estate. We'd also need support from the estate.
Personally, I would prefer a different court to Mitchison.
If, however, the consensus is that we should continue to use Mitch, and the obstacle is lack of bikes, then perhaps we need to get some loaner bikes together!
Personally, I would prefer a different court to Mitchison.
If, however, the consensus is that we should continue to use Mitch, and the obstacle is lack of bikes, then perhaps we need to get some loaner bikes together!