I probably worded it poorly, right now in the UK, drivers are held responsible if they hit a peds, unless proven otherwise, especially in London, it's quite rare to see drivers honking their horn when peds cross the road.
all we need is the rule apply to cyclists as well, too often there's drivers who knocked down a cyclists and their excuse was 'sorry didn't see you', they're not automatically held responsible like toward peds.
If the rules now apply to cyclists, then drivers would soon be a bit more careful on the road knowing that if he knocked a cyclists down, he's likely to get prosecuted.
I don't see how changing the rules will help. Most drivers do drive responsibly and with consideration to other road users. Changing the rules will not stop twats being twats on the road.
More education is needed, not a change in the rules.
I don't see how changing the rules will help. Most drivers do drive responsibly and with consideration to other road users. Changing the rules will not stop twats being twats on the road.
More education is needed, not a change in the rules.