There is a lots of thing that are wrong in the world, thing we never even know of, like the President of Peru just sold part of the Amazon jungle whose indigenous native were still being slaughter by the police simply because of rich cunt wanting to build factories or houses on the land, the indigenous people of Peru has been slowly wiped out of the map for decades simply because of the greed and unmorality of humanity.
we never heard news about that, we only seen small newspaper clipping about it several pages away from the front page of Katie and Peter, they deposed of the dead indigenous (men, women and children) and falisfed the census to make it look like there's a lots less indigenous native in Peru than there are.
Also the anchovies will soon disappear in Peru because again the Peruvian government has been accepting bribe from Japanese, Philippine, etc. company to overfish the rich achovies of Peru (because they couldn't do that in their countries due to their local law forbidding it) and to force the local small fishing company out of the way so they can get the most anchovies, soon there will be no anchovies left in Peru leaving the already crippled local fishing company out of a jobs, anchovies in Peru will soon be extinct within the next few years, simply because of greeds.
No one know that, expect for those who live in Peru.
that's just a mere 1% of what wrong with the world, don't ever tell me that I have too much passion for bikes that give me tunnel vision.
There is a lots of thing that are wrong in the world, thing we never even know of, like the President of Peru just sold part of the Amazon jungle whose indigenous native were still being slaughter by the police simply because of rich cunt wanting to build factories or houses on the land, the indigenous people of Peru has been slowly wiped out of the map for decades simply because of the greed and unmorality of humanity.
we never heard news about that, we only seen small newspaper clipping about it several pages away from the front page of Katie and Peter, they deposed of the dead indigenous (men, women and children) and falisfed the census to make it look like there's a lots less indigenous native in Peru than there are.
Also the anchovies will soon disappear in Peru because again the Peruvian government has been accepting bribe from Japanese, Philippine, etc. company to overfish the rich achovies of Peru (because they couldn't do that in their countries due to their local law forbidding it) and to force the local small fishing company out of the way so they can get the most anchovies, soon there will be no anchovies left in Peru leaving the already crippled local fishing company out of a jobs, anchovies in Peru will soon be extinct within the next few years, simply because of greeds.
No one know that, expect for those who live in Peru.
that's just a mere 1% of what wrong with the world, don't ever tell me that I have too much passion for bikes that give me tunnel vision.