Right, everyone has to have receipts for everything from now on, and carry them all the time. ...
I get your irony/sarcasm. There might not always be receipts, but if the transaction was second hand you should be able to fairly swiftly be able to explain who you bought it from and within a day or so produce that persons phone number, e-bay seller account or similar. As well as that person giving their word that they sold it to you of course.
But if you can only refer to a transaction in the street/pub with someone you're at best are on first names with, then you're no friend of mine. Ever.
I get your irony/sarcasm. There might not always be receipts, but if the transaction was second hand you should be able to fairly swiftly be able to explain who you bought it from and within a day or so produce that persons phone number, e-bay seller account or similar. As well as that person giving their word that they sold it to you of course.
But if you can only refer to a transaction in the street/pub with someone you're at best are on first names with, then you're no friend of mine. Ever.