• #27
Now this is after the date, I felt obliged to post this up re. Operation Christmas Child.
Beware Trojans etc. Epifania, it's not a dig at you, just that people should be aware of their evangelical outlook.
Interesting article.
I've met missionaries before in Africa, and they'll be doing stuff like handing out mosquito nets or teaching English and I think 'fair play'.
Then they spend the rest of the day trying to convert witch doctors or turn people from their original animism and I think 'fucks sake'.
Thing is there's no one else there bothering to help... So is it right? Better standards of living in these places, but at the same time a fast-spreading cancer of hardcore evangelical Christianity and all the hatred, intolerance and bigotry that that breeds.
• #28
I'm to do something for this Christmas, have tried Crisis, but they are full. Anyone else looking, or have any other ideas?
• #29
not for christmas but.. but some people i know are involved in a reading programme for young children, i could asked them for info. It is a programme promoted at their work among their staff.
i think its minimum 1 hour a week for a set period reading with young bangladeshi kids in the brick lane area, where english isn't spoken at home. It is done through the local schools, CRB checked etc... It is very rewarding the staff get alot from it, also warm welcome from the families.. PM me if you are interested.
• #30
You mean Voluntary Reading Help? Surely not so secretive that it needs a PM?
• #31
Anyone in London know of any non-Crisis volunteer openings this Christmas? Would love to hear any ideas. Cheers!
• #32
the quakers run an xmas refuge at the union chapel
have done it a couple of times in the past with my sister and her friend, who is one of the organisers , the religious side isn't really noticeable if thats an issueam possibly doing it again this year, not sure how you'd volunteer but have a google and see what turns up, i'll see if i can get more info
duties include dishwashing / food prep / counselling services / clothes exchange
• #33
did a saturday volunteering with the canal trust a weekend or two back
met up at mile end lock and basically tidied the area around the mile end road intersection with the limehouse cut
brush cutting / sweeping / weeding / graffiti removalam hoping to do a few more in the coming months
• #34
There is an org that does a Christmas lunch for the 'lonely' of Southwark (all the people from the local community centres with no families) in the Roben Suite at Guys hospital each year- they can always do with another set of hands.
Now this is after the date, I felt obliged to post this up re. Operation Christmas Child.
Beware Trojans etc. Epifania, it's not a dig at you, just that people should be aware of their evangelical outlook.