need a rear track hub for cheap, just got my peugeot that i was half way through converting when it was stolen back from the thieving fools who chained it up on my road, plonkers, but spent all my money on a new-old holdsworth, i would love to keep on working on the peugeot but have a (very)limited budget (£25 for the hub, gulp), dont need one desperately but i would like to be up and running for **Those London Lights #2. **if you could keep your eyes peeled and give me a PM if you hear of anything it would be great.
need a rear track hub for cheap, just got my peugeot that i was half way through converting when it was stolen back from the thieving fools who chained it up on my road, plonkers, but spent all my money on a new-old holdsworth, i would love to keep on working on the peugeot but have a (very)limited budget (£25 for the hub, gulp), dont need one desperately but i would like to be up and running for **Those London Lights #2. **if you could keep your eyes peeled and give me a PM if you hear of anything it would be great.