I've been using this free web based one, which will be about a millionth as good as a proper fitting. You can tweek your measurements over time, as you create a log in. I use it to decide which OTP frames would be most suited to me.
Seems to give me a short total reach (TT + stem length) though. I'm pretty sure 63 cm is about right (my fixed is admittedly 62), but it seems to throw up 61cm. http://www.competitivecyclist.com/za/CCY?PAGE=FIT_CALCULATOR_INTRO
If you're going custom then I would have thought a rough fitting was part of the price. Its certainly worth investing time on the consultation, otherwise why go custom? (IMHO)
I've been using this free web based one, which will be about a millionth as good as a proper fitting. You can tweek your measurements over time, as you create a log in. I use it to decide which OTP frames would be most suited to me.
Seems to give me a short total reach (TT + stem length) though. I'm pretty sure 63 cm is about right (my fixed is admittedly 62), but it seems to throw up 61cm.
If you're going custom then I would have thought a rough fitting was part of the price. Its certainly worth investing time on the consultation, otherwise why go custom? (IMHO)
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