Don't worry about Dancing James, he's just upset that you haven't seen one of his million posts on the subject of cycle fitting, he is usually one of the first people to profess his love for Cyclefit when their name pops up.
Seeing the very useful info he put up his what inspired me to go ahead and handover a sizeable chunk of cash to the very nice folk at Cyclefit, and I walked away one very happy customer, and a lot more comfortable and efficient on my bike, considering my major physical issues from past injuries this was no small achievment.
Don't worry about Dancing James, he's just upset that you haven't seen one of his million posts on the subject of cycle fitting, he is usually one of the first people to profess his love for Cyclefit when their name pops up.
Seeing the very useful info he put up his what inspired me to go ahead and handover a sizeable chunk of cash to the very nice folk at Cyclefit, and I walked away one very happy customer, and a lot more comfortable and efficient on my bike, considering my major physical issues from past injuries this was no small achievment.