This does sound like fun, I'll have a think about a location that will be miserable enough.
nhatt, in a drunken haze last night i had something of an epifany. i remember being about 11 when i was first getting into bikes, buying a "ride" bmx mag (are they still made?) for a long journey to my grandparents in peterborough. in it there was an interview/article about stockwell skatepark, of which one of the riders worked for/at brixton cycles. i then wondered if you knew of this or that person. then i thought that you probably didn't as it was 8 years ago. then i rolled over and went to sleep.
nhatt, in a drunken haze last night i had something of an epifany. i remember being about 11 when i was first getting into bikes, buying a "ride" bmx mag (are they still made?) for a long journey to my grandparents in peterborough. in it there was an interview/article about stockwell skatepark, of which one of the riders worked for/at brixton cycles. i then wondered if you knew of this or that person. then i thought that you probably didn't as it was 8 years ago. then i rolled over and went to sleep.