The cones were adjusted to give no play betwen hub & axle, and then the lock nuts tightened down on each side. Cone spanner on the cone, pukka spanner on lock-nut. (I'm new to fixed, but far from green when it comes to cup & cone...)
Checked immediately before putting wheel back in the bike that there was no play and locknuts were tight on the cones.
You seem to be saying that adjusting the cones and tightening the locknuts should be done with the wheel on the bike? why would that make a difference on a solid axle? I know on a skewer hub there is a little bit of tightening as you put the lever down and you sometimes need to allow the tiniest amount of play if adjusting off the bike, but on a solid axle?
The cones were adjusted to give no play betwen hub & axle, and then the lock nuts tightened down on each side. Cone spanner on the cone, pukka spanner on lock-nut. (I'm new to fixed, but far from green when it comes to cup & cone...)
Checked immediately before putting wheel back in the bike that there was no play and locknuts were tight on the cones.
You seem to be saying that adjusting the cones and tightening the locknuts should be done with the wheel on the bike? why would that make a difference on a solid axle? I know on a skewer hub there is a little bit of tightening as you put the lever down and you sometimes need to allow the tiniest amount of play if adjusting off the bike, but on a solid axle?